About Us
Mission Statement
The Georgia Robotics Alliance is a 501(c)3 organization that is devoted to the support of science, mathematics, engineering, and technology education efforts in the schools of the Georgia and the Southeast. The Alliance provides support for school participation in competitive programs such as the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC and FTC), Lego League teams, VEX Robotics, the BEST robotics program and other programs designed to increase the awareness of and interest in the technical fields among today's young men and women. These programs are designed to introduce students to the engineering and technical careers open to them and to encourage their interest and enthusiasm for pursuing further education and possible careers in these areas. The programs give students interesting and challenging real world problems to solve where they can see first hand the practical applications and value of their "classroom" instruction. Essentially, students involved in robotics work together to operate a small technical design and manufacturing firm, resulting in valuable experience in planning and managing a complex project.
To support these goals, GRA actively:
* Recruits and encourages technically competent professionals to volunteer their time as mentors to the students of our alliance
members to provide the knowledge and guidance necessary to meet the challenges of the various programs the students participate in.
* Actively participates in fund raising activities to provide a tax friendly venue for those that wish to support these goals through personal
or corporate donations.
* Promotes the benefits of a robust science, mathematics, engineering and technology program within every school system in Georgia.
* Provide a forum, tools, and support for mentors to provide the practical experience needed to allow students to be successful in their
robotics programs.
* GRA provides financial and logistical support for these activities, lessening the burdens on the teachers and school administrators and
working to make these programs available to other students.
Georgia Robotics Alliance Board
President Vice President Secretary Treasurer
Jeff Rees Dr. Robert Tate Ray Spurlin William Terry
Members at Large
Jackie Holland
Gardner Chambliss
Vinton Wolfe